5 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to US Dollars today:
Today, 07 Nov 2024 at 04:43:49 GMT-5:
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Today: 5 = 0.71 US Dollars +0.08% 0 US Dollars per day | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 CNY = 0.14 USD (+0.0001) 1 USD = 7.02401423 CNY (-0.0001)
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Yesterday: 5 CNY cost 0.71 USD
(0 US Dollars less than today)
Week ago: 5 CNY cost 0.71 USD (0.01 US Dollars less than today) Month ago: 5 CNY cost 0.70 USD (0.01 US Dollars less than today) The exchange rate CNY-USD history: Per day: +0.08% per week: +0.91% per month: +1.66% |
Exchange rate "Chinese Yuan Renminbi => US Dollar" for tomorrow will be published tomorrow. Now 07 Nov 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The page shows the current exchange rate of 5 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to US Dollar, sale and conversion rate. We also added online converter, monthly, week and day course history. There is an answer for the question 👉 "5 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is equal to how many US Dollar today?" |